The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


Valentines Day Gifts People Want Most And Deal Breakers

 A new survey reveals what they most hope to receive and what they consider a dealbreaker.

According to a poll of 1,000 Americans across the country:

  • People in relationships plan to spend an average of $155 on Valentine’s Day this year.
  • Gen Z are the biggest spenders for the holiday, expecting to spend $235, on average.
  • More than a quarter of respondents (28%) feel financial pressure to meet their partner’s expectations.
  • Men are twice as likely as women to feel that pressure to spend, and women’s expectations for how much their partners should spend for Valentine’s Day are 25% higher than men’s.
  • And don’t feel bad for single people, they estimate they’ll save an average of $110 by skipping the holiday this year.

So, what do people want most for Valentine’s Day? The most desired presents include:

  • Sentimental gifts, like handmade cards and personal experiences (38%).
  • Classic gifts, like chocolates and flowers (22%)
  • Practical presents they need or can use (18%)
  • Skipping the gift exchange with a partner (14%)
  • Luxury gifts, like designer clothes or jewelry (9%)

To stay on your sweetie’s good side, steer clear of these top Valentine’s Day dealbreakers:

  • Forgetting to get them anything (25%)
  • Clearly re-gifted gifts (25%)
  • Gag gifts (16%)
  • Generic gifts (8%)
  • Presents that don’t have monetary or sentimental value (5%)
Nerd with Valentines Day Gift

Photo: RyanJLane / E+ / Getty Images

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